Proem: Rescue of Dante by Virgil
Virgil Describes the Appeal of Beatrice
The Dire Inscription and the Dark Rive
First Circle: Limbo; the Virtuous Pagans
Second Circle: Francesca da Rimini
Third Circle: The Intemperate
Fourth Circle: The Parsimonious and the Prodigal
Fifth Circle: The Wrathful
Sixth Circle: The Furies and the Angel
Sixth Circle: Farinata of the Uberti
Classes of Sins and Distribution of the Damned
Seventh Circle: Ring 1. Those Violent against Neighbors
Seventh Circle: Ring 2. The Suicidal Wood
Seventh Circle: Ring 3. Defiers of God
Seventh Circle: Ring 3. Brunetto Latini
Seventh Circle: Ring 3. Three Great Citizens of Florence
Seventh Circle: Ring 3. The Wonderful Flight Downward
Eighth Circle: Pouch 1. Panders and Seducers. Pouch 2. Flatterers
Eighth Circle: Pouch 3. Simoniacal Popes
Eighth Circle: Pouch 4. Diviners. Origin of Mantua
Eighth Circle: Pouch 5. Barrators
Eighth Circle: Pouch 5. Comedy of the Devils
Eighth Circle: Pouch 6. Hypocrites
Eighth Circle: Pouch 7. Robbers
Eighth Circle: Pouch 7. Transformations
Eighth Circle: Pouch 8. Ulysses
Eighth Circle: Pouch 8. Guido da Montefeltro and Pope Boniface VIII
Eighth Circle: Pouch 9. Sowerso of Discord
Eighth Circle: Pouch 10. Counterfeiters
Eighth Circle: Pouch 10. Master Adam of Brescia and Sinon of Troy
Descent: The Giants around the Pit
Ninth Circle: Caina; Antenora
Count Ugolino; Ptolomea
Ninth Circle: Judecca. Passage from Lucifer to the Light


The Dawn of Easte
The Angel Pilot
The Ascent of the Mountain Begun
Tragic Deaths of Three Noble Souls
Dante the "Stormy Voice" of Italy
The Negligent Princes
Happy Interview with Departed Shades
The Symbolic Gate
The Marvelous Carved Walls
The Proud Made Humble
Purgatorio - Canto 12
The Pictured Floo
Sapia of Siena
Degeneracy of Tuscany and the Romagna
Treasure in Heaven: Visions of Forbearance
Temporal Power of the Clergy
Profitable Discourse: Second Night
Love and Free Will
A Repentant Pope (Adrian V)
The Poet Statins
The Three Poets Converse as They Walk
Purgatorio - Canto 23
Forese Donati
Cheerful Abstainers from Good Chee
The Mental Physiology of the Shades
Dante Meets Two Modern Predecessors
The Will of the Pilgrim of Eternity is Purified
Earthly Paradise Crowning the Mountain
Mystic Procession of the Church
The Reproaches of Beatrice
Dante's Bitter Confession
Allegory of the Evil Days of the Church
The Poet Made Pure for the Ascent


Ascent of Dante with Beatrice
Heaven of the Moon
Spirits of Women in the Lunar Heaven
Solution of Perplexing Questions
Vows and Free Will; Heaven of Mercury
A Philosophy of History
Mystery of the Redemption
The Heaven of Venus
A Great Lady and a Poet Prophesy
Heaven of the Sun: Starry Garland of Sages
The Canto of St. Francis
The Canto of St. Dominic
St. Thomas Aquinas
The Spiritual Body. Cross in Mars
Men and Manners of Old Florence
"Old, Unhappy, Far-off Things"
Dante's Exile and Justification
Mystic Symbol of Justice in Star of Jove
The Discourse of the Symbolic Eagle
The Eagle Continues to Discourse
Heaven of Contemplation
St. Benedict; Dante's Natal Constellation
Vision of the Host of the Redeemed
St. Peter Examines Dante Concerning Faith
St. James Examines Him Concerning Hope
St. John Examines Him Concerning Love
The Ascent to the Crystalline Heaven
The Heavenly Intelligences
Creation and Nature of Heavenly Intelligence
The Celestial Rose
Beatrice Sends St. Bernard to Dante
Order of Places in the Mystic Amphitheate
Prayer of St. Bernard. Ultimate Vision

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